Status TownHall #33 - April 29, 2019
In this weeks Townhall we get an update from Nabil on Wrike and Janitors. We also get great updates from Jonny on Marketing and Corey on Security - Check out the video below!
Janitors Q2 Priorities
Core UI (e.g. application rendering) (Wrike)
Core (e.g. bandwidth/battery) (Wrike | #310)
Improved Wallet (Wrike | #319)
Data Sync Layer (Wrike | #311)
Onboarding. This includes identity and connecting users (Wrike)
Keycard (including multiple accounts) (Wrike | #320)
Launch v1 of all SNT utility swarms (Wrike | Multiple swarms in GH)
Create go to market strategy for each (#368)
Implementing mobile UI on desktop (Wrike | #318)
Marketing Update
Security Update
Project Self-Questioning Checklist
Security Check-up Process
Swarm Updates
Tribute to Talk
Swarm Repo, Designs, the Status Channel
Network Incentivisation
Swarm Repo, First Draft in Discuss, Join the Status Channel, Sync Docs
Status Teller Network
Storybook & Rinkeby DApp, GitHub
µTopic Democracy
Github Repository, Swarm Idea, Presentation
Core Improvements
Swarm Repo, Join the Status Channel, Project in Pivotal Tracker