Why name the Status Hackathon - #CryptoLife? What does that actually mean?

Our friends from EthBerlin recently shared a blog post about the “dAppening”. It was perfect in all it’s Beyonce glory and so accurately explains why we love to support these types of events and what our collective goals are as passionate members of the ethereum community. It goes on to explain the importance of using the decentralized tools and products we are building in real life. Teams like Winding Tree, Bounties Network, Gnosis, BlockParty, and Livepeer have worked hard to build products that we can actively use today. And events like EthBerlin and the Status Hackathon are the perfect grounds for implementation.

This is also the core idea and ethos behind the Status Hackathon – #CryptoLife. Unfortunately, the term CryptoLife has garnered relation to the crypto-bros we all know and…..well….know. But I hate to break it to you, this has nothing to do with “When moon” and there will be no #Lambos.

Instead, the concept of #CryptoLife as it pertains to the Status Hackathon, is far more literal. What will life be like when we legitimately use the decentralized tools and services that are readily available to us? What will life be like without the reliance on centralized third party services? What will life be like when fiat is simply an Italian car manufacturer?

The Status Hackathon – #CryptoLife will indeed be a continuation of the work done by the people before us at events such as EthDenver with the Colorado Coin; EthBuenosAires with their amazing design work, and soon to be EthIndia and EthBerlin with the myriad of awesome things they have planned. We will learn from our friends and continue to push crypto and decentralized tools into everyday use. As María Paula so aptly put it….we are ready for the dAppening. We have some seriously exciting experiences that will further push this concept, so stay tuned for more info on those.

The concept of #CryptoLife, however, extends past the inclusion of services like Livepeer and BlockParty into the event experience. It is the theme of hackathon itself. Meaning, the open tracks will encourage hackers to come up with new and exciting ways to inject crypto into our daily lives. Hackers at #CryptoLife will be prompted to build DApps under one of the following categories:

Social Networks
Sharing Economy

We chose the weekend before Devcon4 to host #CryptoLife to add to the excitement as we all gather in Prague (whether physically or via Livepeer) to celebrate the progression of our ever-growing community. It is a really special thing to see the community come together at Devcon and we simply want to build on that feeling and do what we all do best – #buidl.

Have other interesting ideas for how we expand on the concept of #CryptoLife? Want to see more DApps integrated into the event? Join us in the public channel in Status #cryptolife and let us know.

Stay tuned for all the exciting details around venue, mentors, judges, prizes and some really cool experiences we have planned!

The Status.im Cryptolife Hackathon is completely free for hackers. You just need to apply on our website here.