Your #CryptoLife Master List

As we approach our hackathon, we thought we'd put together a 10,000ft view of the event that everyone can see, so that we remain - always, at all levels - open source and transparent.

The list of goals that follows and the spreadsheet of roles linked afterwards are only suggestions, meant to try and ensure that #CryptoLife is as productive and enjoyable for all as possible. You have COMPLETE FREEDOM to edit your role, or the goal associated with your work, in any way you see fit.

Be creative! Bring costumes, bring stuff for yoga classes/ju jitsu lessons (we'll organise mats), bring a smile, bring a whole lot of love, bring all your creativity and madness and decentralised chaos as we bring crypto just a little bit closer to life.

This is not a corporate event. Nor is it a chance gathering. We have ~200 of the best hackers we know signed up, plus ~100 Status core contributors, ~140 ETHMagicians, and sponsors like Maker, OmiseGo, Consensys and MyBit all attending.

You can also sign up to help with any area here.


Our measurable goals for #CryptoLife are:

  1. 500 particpants (this includes the ~100 Status Core Contributors, registered hackers, ETHMagicians, judges, and sponsors).
  2. 3 DApps using Extensions in a way which genuinely enhances the user experience and extends the capabilities of the DAPP in ways not possible using web 2.0 tools.
  3. At least 1 DApp with 1000 MAU/100 DAU 1 month after the event.
  4. 30 'complete' submissions where 'complete' indicates running code with a demo of a working product or service. At least 8 of the submissions become permanently available in Status by the end of 2018.

Softer, more social goals might include:

  1. Research Team (and Dmitry, Boris, Eugene) work with both mesh networks (AltheaMesh) and hardware (MeshBox) in the MakerSpace advances our ability to connect Status to mesh networks easily and run it on a variety of embedded devices.
  2. Research Team (and Barry, Ricardo, Richard) to meet with some of the Plasma researchers coming and the OmiseGo attendees to discuss approaches to scaling. Corey, Oskar and others to work with barrywhitehat and learn more about SNARKs.
  3. Visualization work (Ivan, Igor, Adam, Corey, Dustin) with Alethio in the Maker Space advances our ability to visualize whisper messages and understand how to break it/how robust it really is. Work with Eric Tu also makes it possible to connect to Whisper using Infura.
  4. Dapps and Developers Team gathers feedback from at least 10 teams using Extensions and the JS API on how our developer tools should work in future iterations (Rachel, Julien, Andrey, Alex, Richard Ramos, Ricardo). NPS style survey to get a satisfaction score for developer tools, sent to all teams (RH).
  5. Status works on DAppnode with Edu and Jordi.
  6. Buidl the Identity (Barry, Ned, Jonny) is a success.
  7. DApp registration and ENS Names work (Richard, Andy, Rachel).
  8. Closer integrations with Maker (Julien, Andrey, Rachel, Barry, Hutch, Yessin) in particular, and some exchanges (Kyber or AirSwap probably) would be great to see.
  9. Embark is used by 60% of participants and the team rocks their space.
  10. At least 2 great new projects potentially in Incubate and big foot traffic through that space.
  11. Core-chat hacking the idea of Status and what it really means in line with this discussion.
  12. UXR team conducts ~100 tests/surveys of various aspects of the Status experience (Pat, Hester, Philip, Andrei, Denis, Maciej)
  13. Studio conducts ~40 interviews on IDEs and Education, and finds one new team member/one team to partner with.
  14. Test Team conducts at least one bug hunting session and helps as many hackers as possible test their work on a  roaming mentor basis, actually helping write test code (but only tests) if teams really need it.
  15. Hardwallet hacking in the Maker Space gets us closer to first release (Michele, Andrea, Guy-Louis, Denis, Pat, Hester).
  16. Desktop Team hacking gets virtually everyone at Status going cold turkey because it just feels oh so right.
  17. 50 attendees at the Philosopher's Salon, all using KickBack, with an awesome discussion, and at least 5 essays published on in the next quarter.
  18. Positive feedback from all sponsors.

Core Contributor Roles

The full list of roles for each day of the event can be found here.


The full list of experiences can be found here.