While the team makes steady progress on the swarms dedicated to delivering the white paper promises and SNT Utility, Jarrad took some time to address recent results from an engagement survey distributed by the People-Ops team. Also, Hester gives an update and look into the design teams process. Finally, we see a bonus video from Andrey showing some improvements to the development of an extension
Engagement Survey
Check out the recording for an in depth break down of each topic covered by Jarrad. Dominant Themes:
- Financial Uncertainty
- Strategy & Direction
- Communication
Payment Option $DAI Available

Tribute to Talk
The tribute to talk swarm is nearing completion of v1 of the feature. For more info, check out the relevant channels called out here:
Swarm Repo - https://github.com/status-im/swarms/tree/master/ideas/314-tribute-to-talk
Designs - https://www.figma.com/file/aS1ct66VQ6V0cio7vSqS8UoG/Chat?node-id=1319%3A13403
Join the Status Channel - https://get.status.im/chat/public/314-tribute-to-talk

Sticker Market
Development is complete and the contract is prepared for an audit by third party security firm Trail of Bits. An artist has been commissioned for an initial set of sticker packs and the community design competition is moving into Phase 2 - the vote using the SNT voting DApp.
Swarm Repo - https://github.com/status-im/swarms/tree/master/ideas/313-sticker-market
Specification Doc - https://github.com/status-im/swarms/blob/master/ideas/313-sticker-market/specs.md
Join the Status Channel - https://get.status.im/chat/public/313-sticker-market

Network Incentivization
Andrei presented some UX explorations based on 2 unique concepts: Per contact settings & Subscription model.
- Swarm Repo - https://github.com/status-im/swarms/blob/master/ideas/316-core-network-incentives.md
- First Draft in Discuss - https://discuss.status.im/t/network-incentivisation-first-draft/1037
- Join the Status Channel - https://get.status.im/chat/public/316-core-network-incentives
- Sync Docs - https://notes.status.im/2ogTGMkqRwC7VMcGh9mBdA

DApp Store
The DApp store is making good progress and Andy has placed some bounties to support his research in DApp Store curation using Vyper. The team is awaiting some redesigns to the global navigation of the app before moving into implementation.

Core Improvements
- Swarm Repo - https://github.com/status-im/swarms/blob/master/ideas/315-core-improvements.md
- Join the Status Channel - https://get.status.im/chat/public/315-core-improvements

Bonus Video on Extensions:
Check out this quick demo showing some improvements to the development of an extension. Extensions allow developers to leverage the features of Status in their DApp in a native way.