As Prague Blockchain week quickly approaches and new workshops, meetups, and hackathons pop up each day, it is evident that the community has drastically grown since Devcon3 in Cancun just a year ago. Proof that Devcon, the annual Ethereum conference, brings together people from all disciplines and backgrounds who share a common belief in the decentralised web we are collectively building. A key figure in the push for this decentralized vision is the team behind the distributed storage platform and content distribution network – SWARM.
We are pleased to open up the Status Hackathon #CryptoLife venue, National House Smichov, to the SWARM team to host a mini-summit that will take place on Monday, the 29th of October. The day-long mini summit accommodates 12 talks and a hands-on workshop and is open to the public.
The Swarm mini-summit will be held in conjunction with EthMagicians’ Council of Prague event. While these two events are entirely separate with different focus, it will be of our great pleasure to host these bright minds under the same roof in joint efforts to work together on the challenges that hinder widespread web3 adoption. Both the SWARM team and EthMagicians will have dedicated spaces within the National House Smichov.
These two events (SWARM Mini-summit and the Council of Prague) take place on the Monday following the Status Hackathon and are not part of the hackathon itself. However, we strongly encourage all those attending these Monday events to participate in the Status Hackathon Friday October 26th to Sunday October 28th. The more talented people we have hacking and building, the sooner we can all truly experience #CryptoLife.
SWARM Mini-summit Agenda:
Detailed agenda coming soon
- Friday October 26th - Status Hackathon Begins. Registration to open at 9am Friday morning. Apply here
- Saturday October 27th - Status Hackathon ALL. DAY. HACKING.
- Sunday October 28th - Status Hackathon closes. Winners announced and a special closing party (more to come on that soon)
- Monday October 29th:
Get involved in all the Ethereum glory and join the Status Hackathon channel here: