The Nimbus dashboard challenge
We propose a radical change in design from experts designing for people to people designing for themselves.– Don Norman
We propose a radical change in design from experts designing for people to people designing for themselves.– Don Norman
"A policeman's job is only easy in a police state." - Orson Welles
As it stands, deanonymisation in Eth2 is frighteningly simple. To fail to address this is to facilitate the arrestation of our thoughts, and the unjust persecution of the humans they belong to.
Since our last update the Nimbus client has made significant progress across security, performance, and ease-of-use. In order to celebrate the release of the eth2
Highlights include: audit fixes, a new sync (syncv2) that greatly speeds up syncing time, a special database pruner to help prune existing databases, multiclient interop scripts that are working as expected with other clients...
The first thing to say is that our validators are doing much better than last week. We are currently tracking tracking the head of the chain on Medalla and attesting! 🎉
Medalla, the first open and community focused eth2 multi-client testnet, launched last week. As of today, there are over 26,000 active validators...
Running your own validator is not as scary as you may think.
On Monday, Dean Eigenmann tweeted the following: validating will probably be way more niche than advertised, and most likely will be just as niche as
We hope you're all keeping well. We're sorry it's been a while since our last update. Here are the
Wherever you may be, we hope you're able to see some light at the end of the tunnel. In the hopes of distracting you from the world (however briefly), here's an end of month update from us.
The latest update from the Nimbus team. The main focus this month has been implementing spec v0.11.1. Updates on mainnet testnet configuration and node discovery.
In the hope of giving you a brief respite from all the madness, here’s our March update.
All the latest Nimbus team updates from early March - bounties, client logs, & more!
Hello everyone, and welcome to our February status update. Before we start, we want to apologise that such a long period of time has passed