200K SNT in prizes AND the opportunity to have your designs featured as one of the first packs in launch of the Sticker Market!
We need your help! The Sticker Market Swarm has been steadily making progress for the past few weeks and is making final preparations before the launch. UX is complete, code is in QA, and now it’s time to create the actual stickers :)
Stickers are one of the most popular elements of the most-used chat platforms today. People love stickers in the same way they love pop songs. There's not much to explain; they're just fun.
They enable greater expression, and they're catchy—you want to share them.
What better way to launch the Sticker Market than with a sticker pack created by the wonderful Status Community. We can also kill two-birds with one stone by kicking off a fun design competition AND collecting the assets required for the launch of a major SNT Utility feature.
I repeat….if you win, your designs will be 1 of 3 sticker packs in the launch of the Sticker Market. All proceeds of sticker pack sales will go directly to you as an artist! The winner will get 100% of all sales through status – no fees, no middle-men, no bulls&*%

WHO: Similar to the T-shirt Competition, if you’re a person, then you qualify to participate in the competition. Sorry, unicorns and other mythical animals.
WHAT: A Sticker Design Competition split up into 2 Phases:
- Phase 1 - Create 1-5 sticker designs that represents Status, the principles, or the Status community in any way you see fit. Share your designs on Twitter with the hashtag #StickerHeads.
- Phase 2 - The top 5 designs from Phase 1 with the most “likes” and “retweets” on Twitter, and another top 5 chosen by our guest judge – Co-Founder of Super Rare and Pixura, Jon Perkins. Once designs are in, we will use the SNT Voting DApp to determine the community favorites from the top 10.
Prizes will be distributed to the 10 finalists in Phase 2 as follows:
- 1st Place: 100,000 SNT & A place in the sticker market as selling artist (100% commissions directly to you)
- 2nd place: 50,000 SNT
- 3rd place: 25,000 SNT
- 4th: 12,500 SNT
- 5th: 6,000 SNT
- 6th - 10th place: 1,300 SNT each
WHERE: Submit your work on Twitter with the hashtag #StickerHeads for phase 1. Remember, the community is in control here. For Phase 1, the posts with the most “likes” and “retweets” plus a select group from our judge will advance to Phase 2.
Link to designs can also be submitted in the Status Public channel #stickerheads
If neither of these methods work for you, visit the competitions official rules page here, and follow the alternate submission guidelines.
WHEN: The entire competition will last through these dates – February 18th to March 8th. Phase 1 kicks off right now :)
- Phase 1 - Today, February 18th, until a hard stop at 5pm CEST in Friday March 1st. We will then review all submissions on twitter and notify the artists with the most engagement & selections by the guest judge.
- Phase 2 The Vote - Monday, March 4th the top 10 winners are announced & voting begins, until a hard stop at 5pm CEST on Friday March 8th.Winners will be announced after the vote is finalized, artists are contacted and confirmed!
WHY: Because we love you and because Status is built by the State of Us. We seriously need some stickers to launch the awesome new Sticker Market, and we know very well what type of creative work our community has to offer.
SOME DETAILS: Please ensure all sticker designs fit the following specs
- Supported file types are PNG, JPG/JPEG and GIF.
- Background should be transparent.
- Size is limited to 300kb (same as WeChat)
- Square ratio
All Status logos, color pallets, and fonts can be found on GitHub here should you choose to use them.
Stickers will not be available within the Sticker Market as individuals, they are only available as packs. Therefore. the winner as decided by the SNT Voting DApp will be asked to create the additional stickers to make up the Sticker Pack. Packs range in quantity from 15-30 sticker. In order to be the winner of the competition you’ll need to design the full set after the vote is complete.
For some inspiration, check out some of the amazing submissions from the T-Shirt competition here. Or have a look through some other popular sticker markets.