Town Hall #69 - Nov 9, 2020
Here's a recap of today's Town Hall - we've got updates from Jarrad, People Ops, Core, Security & Infrastructure,
Here's a recap of today's Town Hall - we've got updates from Jarrad, People Ops, Core, Security & Infrastructure,
Here's a recap of today's Town Hall - we've got updates from People Ops, Finance, Core, Growth & Retention,
Introducing Status v0.1.0-beta.2 – with a redesigned input box along with updates such as a displayed emoji list when typing an emoji name and some UX improvements for long messages.
Status v1.7 introduces iOS notifications, mentions, nicknames, favorite wallet addresses, group invite links, and more. All designed to make Status easier and more enjoyable to use.
Status Desktop returns as beta v0.1.0 to provide private, secure communication on Mac, Windows, and Linux. Status Desktop syncs with your smartphone for private messaging no matter where you are.
Mitigation efforts are in place with mid-term and long term solutions being explored for a spam attack that has happened in some Status public channels. Learn more about the efforts
V1.6 Release – The Start of an Android Referral Flow & Bug Fixes. Status v1.6 introduces some bug fixes, and the start of a privacy preserving referral service on Android.
One of the principal sources of the omnipresent data collection and surveillance we see today lies in the inherently secretive and centralized development of most applications. Status delivers security and trust through open source software
V1.4 Release – Introducing two highly anticipated features – an integration with Keycard and notifications on Android.
Status App Introduces Integration of Contactless Hardware Wallet, Keycard. People can now tap Keycard against their phones to authorize app transactions, login, and store cryptocurrency
Version 1.2 of Status, the secure messaging app, brings benefits of blockchain to regions with unreliable payments systems, censorship, and surveillance
This release is one of the most important in Status’ history. The change log is small, but significant. Today we’re rolling out new mailservers
The first full release since our official launch, v1.1 delivers a highly requested wallet feature, as well as several improvements to chat UX and
Status version 1 is live—combining a peer-to-peer messenger, cryptocurrency wallet, and Ethereum-enabled browser into a single decentralized, private and secure communication and payment tool
How to reclaim your existing ENS name Regardless of whether you registered an address in Status, directly through the Ethereum Name Service, or through another