The #CommuniTEE competiton has come to an end. We were inspired, enthused and delighted to see all of the passionate entries from across the CryptoArt space. In total there were over 170 submissions with so many interesting stories behind each one.
Big thanks to Jessica Angel of the #ArtProject Decentralized who really made this competition all that it was. The entire Crypto-Art community has come together to make this event an amazing journey and will continue it together!
To give everyone a reminder, there were 2 distinct categories that were part of #CommuniTEE:
1) Status values / brand hack, and 2) CryptoCulture.
An open spreadsheet was timestamped at the end of the competition with all the weighted votes from the t-shirt DApp in Berlin plus community voting through Twitter.
Without further ado, the winning t-shirts that will be part of #ProofofWear are here:
Status winning t-shirt:

With a final vote count of 114, the BKDF design factory clinched the winning Status t-shirt category with an all-over camo design. Congratulations to BKDF!
CryptoCulture winning t-shirt:

With an overwhelming final vote count of 175 total points, the winning CryptoCulture design was done by The Ill Glory Factory with an awe-inspiring decentralize Africa design that was hand-drawn and -scanned onto this beautiful t-shirt. Congratulations to The Ill Glory Factory!
These winning T's will now be printed and distributed to not only the winners of the top 10, but also to the Status community and made available at some special events coming up. We also want to extend an invite for anyone to give some feedback on the competition itself - we were thoroughly inspired by all your creativity and want to know how you'd like to see this competition and future ones come more to life.
Just because the competition is over doesn't mean we're done ;) 20 lucky participants who voted on their favourite t-shirt designs will be receive one of the winning t-shirts, giving you the chance to show off your #ProofofWear!
Stay tuned as this exciting competition evolves in future iterations.