tl;dr if you've ever developed anything at all on Ethereum, help us answer these simple questions! It'll help everyone make better decisions across our community.
A few months ago, some people in the Ethereum community got together and started interviewing the best 100 developers they knew. We sat down with each of them for an hour and talked about their biggest frustrations, as well as the things they are most excited about. We did this because we want to make data-driven decisions about what tools are most needed by actual developers right now; where the Ethereum ecosystem is lacking; and what the community most wants to see built over the coming months and years.
It was an epic journey, and resulted in this easily-searchable report, which anyone can browse to their heart's content. Open source everything! We've also created 5 further bounties: for Universal Logins, Etherlime, Chainshot, Dappnode, and Knowledge Base - so keep your eye out for those ecosystem tools too!
Now, it's time to kick it up another notch.
With the original bounties created by EthPrize due soon, we want to start gathering a whole lot more data about what should be built next in Ethereum so that we can all, together, drive the use of distributed technologies across the globe.
We have trained a simple model to understand at least parts of the data coming in from these interviews. It's not only the interviews we're looking at: Mamy - our resident data scientist and Nimbus researcher - is building something called Athenaeum to keep track of Ethereum research too.
One day, we'll set our model free to crawl the web for any and all Ethereum-related content so that we can get more real time views of the state of Ethereum and the people working and sharing with it. This will, of course, be open source.
For now, we'd love any developer who has ever worked on Ethereum to fill out this form with the same questions we asked in the initial rounds of interviews.

- You don't have to answer every question, only the ones specific to work you've done.
- You can write stuff you would like to say but doesn't fit anywhere under "Other domain specific questions?"
- The more detailed the answers, the better. Try give yourself at least 30 mins over the weekend, or in some quiet period, to fill this out.
- If you'd prefer to do an in-person interview, we can try and arrange it - just email to set it up.
Status Studio
Building cool data models that can understand what the hell we're actually talking about all the time is not the only thing we've been doing with the EthPrize data though...
We found that perhaps the biggest frustration - bar the lack of up-to-date documentation across the ecosystem - was that there is not truly integrated development and education environment for Ethereum. Writing contracts, testing them, writing the frontend that connects to users, and deploying it all tends to happen across at least 3 different tools, and most advanced teams are still building their own stuff because none of the tools that are currently available are modular or extensible enough to suit their needs, while still being simple enough for beginner's to use and understand.
We would like to change that. If you're interested in IDEs and/or Education, we'd love to hear your opinion in the ongoing debate here, and buidl with you the toolset we need to both create truly distributed products and services that provide real utility to people AND take as many others with us on the educational journey #buidling on Ethereum really is.