Ethereum Single Sign-On

Ethereum Single Sign-On

The idea of “sign in with google” has always frightened me. It’s convenient, absolutely, but it’s also ceding control of your data—ceding

Ethereum Endgame

Ethereum Endgame

It's clear that rollups are here to stay. From polynya's predictions of >15,000,000 TPS to the flourishing ecosystems of the rollups themselves, rollups

EIP-1559: Crypto memes

EIP-1559: Crypto memes

What is EIP-1559? EIP-1559 is an Ethereum Improvement Proposal that will go live in the London fork of Ethereum in 2 days time (on August

Ethereum is 6!

Ethereum is 6!

Today is July 30th, the 6th anniversary of Ethereum. Within the next few days, one of the most meme-ified updates to the Ethereum network will

Arbitrum is bringing scalability to Ethereum

Arbitrum is bringing scalability to Ethereum

Scaling is here. Gas fees are becoming a problem of the past, and soon will be no more than an unpleasant memory. Arbitrum will be familiar to many, as their mainnet beta just launched, and they recently announced a partnership with Etherscan.

What's in store for ETH 2.0?

What's in store for ETH 2.0?

With the successful launch of ETH 2.0 phase 0, let’s take a look at what the long-awaited upgrade has in store for users and developers alike.

Account Abstraction (EIP-2938): Why & What

Account Abstraction (EIP-2938): Why & What

This article motivates the need for Account Abstraction in the context of smart contract wallets and highlights key aspects of EIP-2938 by describing the proposed protocol changes and impact on nodes.