Nimbus: Execution Layer

Nimbus: Execution Layer

While client diversity is crucial to a resilient Ethereum, it alone would not warrant such a huge engineering effort on our part. Our high level vision, and the main reason we're rolling our own execution layer client, is for easy and seamless integration with Status - both desktop and mobile.

Fluffy: ultra-light client for Ethereum

Fluffy: ultra-light client for Ethereum

What we are talking about building here is the perfect client for a wallet. An ultra-light client that contributes to the network and does not require syncing (i.e. is immediately usable from a fresh install or after being offline).

Nimbus: Dashboard challenge winners

Nimbus: Dashboard challenge winners

We’re pleased to announce we received two excellent submissions from contributors Joe Clapis and metanull. They have claimed their POAPs and will share the $5k prize money between them.

EIP-1559: ETH Fee Market Change Proposal

EIP-1559: ETH Fee Market Change Proposal

The current Ethereum "first price auction" fee model is considered inefficient & costly, and a large UX barrier for user adoption. In this article we'll explore the EIP-1559 improvement proposal to fix the problem!