Status v2.32 Launched for Mobile and Desktop
Status v2.32 is now officially available for Status Mobile and Desktop.
our client for ios and android
Status v2.32 is now officially available for Status Mobile and Desktop.
We are excited to announce that the latest version of the Status Mobile and Desktop apps, Status v2.31, has been officially released!
After years of development, Status Mobile and the latest beta version of the Status Desktop app are ready to try out!
We’re thrilled to declare that Status Mobile Beta is ready to go! Learn how to claim early access.
With Uniswap on the mobile Status App, it's your choice when and where to make trades on Ethereum, and make them with decentralized tools.
The security audit by Trail of Bits of the Status Mobile App for the v1 release by has completed. Zero (0) critical issues found and less than forty (40) total issues identified.
Requirements for the 64-bit version of our Android app led to a difficult bug. Therefore, we will only release a hot fix for iOS with v0.13.2, and our next Android release will be v1.
314-tribute-to-talk is nearing completion; the designs are implemented and the contract is currently in audit by a third party firm. The MVP is an anti-spam
A handful of exciting new features and fixes coming to you fresh in v.0.10.0.
We’re back in action! After a pause for the holidays and a transition back that saw us release 4 small updates to v.0.9.32, we’ve got a brand new mobile version for you.
Version 0.9.32 Introducing beta support for Private group chats! There is also alpha support of pairing (with development mode on) between mobile and desktop clients for messages and contacts syncing.
The Status Hackathon - #CryptoLife is taking place in Prague this weekend (October 26 - 28), so this release goes out to the developers who
The 0.9.27 release includes a number of enhancements for ETHBerlin — 60 commits with 194 files changed from 16 contributors!
Mass adoption of Ethereum means nothing if you’re sacrificing on the core values of the Ethereum community to get there. We are committed to **security**, **privacy** and **decentralization** and we can not compromise on these elements out of anything other than complete necessity.