Clubhouse is a privacy catastrophe
Facebook has better privacy standards. Clubhouse records all your conversations and shares every bit of your data with advertising corporations.
Facebook has better privacy standards. Clubhouse records all your conversations and shares every bit of your data with advertising corporations.
With the successful launch of ETH 2.0 phase 0, let’s take a look at what the long-awaited upgrade has in store for users and developers alike.
The recent Coinbase Card is said to "eliminate the middleman" – but does it really?
Perfect Forward Secrecy, E2E Encryption & Peer to Peer Dark Routing makes Status a TRULY secure messaging platform. Find out how in this article!
The security audit by Trail of Bits of the Status Mobile App for the v1 release by has completed. Zero (0) critical issues found and less than forty (40) total issues identified.
Status will be undergoing manual & automated testing, and a review of the codebase to ensure the highest level of security.
Expanding on security efforts through bug bounty programs, rigorous auditing, education, and open source contribution. Learn more about the ways Status is increasing security efforts