Web Evolution

Web Evolution

The World Wide Web ("WWW" or "The Web") is a tool which began in the 60s, used by billions of people

The Dark Web & Web3

The Dark Web & Web3

The internet is evolving. Web3 projects are already offering usable alternatives to the last generation of services. Why? Web2 projects did not respect the privacy

Zero-Knowledge Proofs II: Web3

Zero-Knowledge Proofs II: Web3

It's scaling season. The year of scaling. The decade of the scale. Thanks to modularity, coordination, and the ceaseless innovation of Web3 builders,

Modular Ethereum

Modular Ethereum

The cryptocurrency landscape has, in recent history, been dominated by monolithic blockchains. That is, blockchains that attempt to handle all of the responsibilities of execution,

Crypto as a Public Good: Liberty

Crypto as a Public Good: Liberty

You may remember Vitalik's EthCC address, in which he discussed the need for a broader Ethereum ecosystem that transcends just finance. That DeFi

The Social Evolution

The Social Evolution

Web2 vs. Web3 Human beings are incredibly adaptive.1 We can acclimate to just about anything. Going with barely any food or water for long