Care and Burnout - #IdeaJam

Care and Burnout - #IdeaJam

Connecting with the people you work with when everyone is separated by both distance and our increasingly omnipresent screens can be very challenging. We fit Town Hall 27-08-2018 Town Hall 27-08-2018

In the bi-weekly Status Town Hall, we present progress updates, team news, and exciting announcements from various core contributors. Discussion covers everything from the organisational shift towards a DAO to marketing news, new contributors and technical details.

Status Principles

Status Principles

The goal of Status is widespread adoption of the decentralized web. Our challenge is achieving mass adoption while staying true to our principles outlined below. Town Hall 13-08-2018 Town Hall 13-08-2018

In the bi-weekly Status Town Hall, we present progress updates, team news, and exciting announcements from various core contributors. Discussion covers everything from the organisational shift towards a DAO to marketing news, new contributors and technical details.

Our Wall of Shame

Our Wall of Shame

This is our wall of shame. The things we know we shouldn't be doing, but for whatever reason we are. The list came from a small group of us who met up in Basel, musing about what security should look like at Status, and what principles we all stand behind

From Computing to a sustainable P2P - Society

From Computing to a sustainable P2P - Society

Technology is a kind of immersive thing and I argue that humans today, especially in the so called western or modern world, are close to technology in terms of culture than ever before in the history of humanity.